Have you ever doubted God's voice? I used to say, I know God is always speaking, I just don't know what he is saying to me.
The Good News Is...The Lord is your Shepherd. My sister really helped me out with this. Sometime ago, I asked my sister to join me in praying for clarity regarding my next steps. I didn't give her details, I just needed her to pray. I said, Tamara I know God is speaking, I just need to get to a place where I can hear Him clearly.
She responded with these words...yes, I will join you in prayer but remember that you have been created with the ability to hear from God. And He has no problem making sure that you hear Him. You are His sheep and He is your shepherd.
When she said that, everything concerning this immediately made sense. The Lord is my Shepherd. I know his voice, and I can feel the comfort it brings. Just like a sheep knows the voice of its shepherd, the one who guides, tends to, feeds them, I too know the voice of my Shepherd, because that is who He is. I encourage you use this confession, even when it doesn't feel like you can hear. He is your Shepherd.
Have a beautiful day ❤
**The Good News...will return Monday 10/17/22**