I am going to be real transparent with you today. This week has been a week...and it's only Wednesday! Within this past few days it seems like everything that is wrong in my life was overwhelming me. Like, nothing is landing where I think it should land. My favorite phrase the past few months has been, "right neighborhood, wrong street". From my career aspirations, to parenting, my finances, relationships with others, even my housing and transportation. Nothing (perhaps a bit dramatic) is working!
Okay, real transparent. I was driving home from work on Monday, as I was praying I began to cry. I just felt so defeated saying "God, there has to be more than this".
But as defeated as I felt, I also knew to get into the presence of God. Because the good news is...when we can quiet those thoughts, God's loving presence prevails and it is here where we can hear Him speak. After sharing my grievances and life's disappointments Monday evening, Tuesday morning during my prayer time, I chose to worship Him. Because the truth is, in good or bad, God is still God. Who He is to me became louder than career aspirations, than the lack of finances, than the "right neighborhood, wrong street" attitude. I began to speak of His greatness and speak His words over my life. It was at this moment, where my Father spoke these words to me - "You've already trusted my heart, now trust my hand." Immediately, I began to praise God! Hallelujah!
We've all been here in our lives, the feeling of defeat and loss. Maybe it's not just a feeling, sometimes the loss is real. But I want to encourage you today, to always take the time and get in the presence of the Father to quiet the noise. Allow who He is to you, your love for Him to become bigger than whatever you're feeling or battling with. This is where you obtain victory over defeat. Where you experience the joy of the Lord. Where you experience the peace of God which guards your heart and your mind. This is where you get direction for your next steps! Hallelujah! I can go on but I won't.
I am praying for you and if needed, I can pray with you. Lord, I trust your hand! God is so good!!
Have a beautiful day!
It must be in the ether this week. Stillness is key in those moments.